reading 13 Little Blue Envelopes…

Today I'm reading 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson & jotting down my thoughts along the way:

13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson

  • reading about Aunt Peg's unexplainable need to create made me choke up and ache to make something. I'm gonna love this book.
  • love the description of Harrod's. is it really like that???
  • if someone ever wants to make me an elaborate scavenger hunt style adventure in Europe you have my permission. And psssst…I took 5 years of French so that so that could be a good destination for a while!
  • I want to know if the pineapple is whole!
  • heeheeeeee well at I'm not the only one incapable of making things weird.
  • ah girl falls for experienced boy. <sigh> I recall this story vaguely from a time when I was less sarcastic.
  • letter #6…maureen knows us-idealistic-artistic-with-issues-types too well thinks I.
  • smiling. very strange, but right.
  • one day I will go to Paris.
  • I think I'd like a Stroopwaffle, please.
  • why do things that have best-thing-that-ever-happened-to-me potential terrify us so?
  • tears. I'm such a crier. <sigh>

I just finished this really lovely book. Very enjoyable & surprisingly cheerful considering the reason Ginny is on the journey in the first place. The only thing I found unfathomable was the fact that Ginny's parents let her go on this trip alone at 17. But it is a book so I guess that's how it goes! Overall a fun read!

Reading through my thoughts again and noticing I am quite the fan of sentence fragments and punctuation. Hmmmm.

Re: Previous Post
Please note the free online version is the first 80 or so pages…in other words just enough to suck you right in to the story! However, the browse function is a fabulous way to try out authors you might not be familiar yet while taking absolutely no risk. I mean, hey, after 80 pages I think you can be sure you'll like the book and buy it. Try it out!

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